3 suppliers match your keyword
Simili Tape
- Is the type of tape simili used to bind documents into books - Binding of books, common files in the office. - Quality: adhesive material with high adhesion. - Made in Viet Nam
Tape Dispenser Zcut 10
Maker: Auto Tape Dispenser Yaesu Application: - Memory Function (Six different lengths can be memorized) - Programing Function (Six different lengths can be programmed to cut) - Possible to cut two roll tapes at the same time due to Dual Photo Sensor - Tape Support to position a cut piece of tape for easy to take - Set a tape without using bobbin - Possible to cut non-adhesive tapes - Build-in Separator for cutting two rolls tape, Guide Plate, and Blade Oil
Độ Dày Độ Bền Dai Độ Kéo Giãn Lực Dán Dính Khả Năng Chịu Nhiệt