Dolomite is a carbonate mineral consisting of CaMg (CO3) 2. The term Dolomite is used to describe a sedimentary carbonate rock, it consists mainly of dolomite rock (also known as Dolstone). Dolomite is used as a decorative stone, a constituent of cement, a source of magnesium oxide and a Pidgeon process for magnesium production. It is an important oil storage rock, and serves as a primary rock of the Missisipi-Type MVT, a mineral of high economic value for the production of base metals such as copper, lead, etc. zinc. When limestone is not available and expensive, dolomite is sometimes used instead as a metal flux for smelting. Dolomite is used in the manufacture of float glass.
In horticulture, Dolomite and Dolomite rock are applied to PH-fixing soil as well as Magnesium supplement to the soil. Gardening is a testament to this use.
Dolomite is used as baseband in marine aquariums, helping to fix the concentration of PH. The researchers want to build a device that detects radiati.. |